About us

"The Romanian Tradition” Foundation, was
established by the community of the University
Chapel "St. Nicolas” in cooperation with the
Romanian Orthodox Christian Students
Association (A.S.C.O.R.) and is registered in the
Public Associations Register with the register
no. 133 issued by the Law Court of Bucharest
(third sector) on the 6th of July 2000.
The purpose of the foundation, according to its
statute, is to promote and thoroughly make
known the specific pattern of the national
identity of the Romanian people, mainly among
young people.

The main activities of the Foundation are:

1. Editing books and Art Albums; such as

Priest Sofian Boghiu , "Humility and Love, features of the Orthodox experience," Bucharest, 2001 ;

Priest Dr.Vasile Gavrila , "The Wedding - Life unto God's Kingdom ", Bucharest 2004 ;

2.The editing of CD and DVDs that contain recordings of the conferences organized in collaboration with the Christian-Orthodox Students' Association (ASCOR)

3. Organizing summer camps and pilgrimages for young people, both throughout the country and abroad, with the support and collaboration of certain national associations-ASCOR-,as well as of international ones - " Balkan Orthodox Youth Association ","Association Saint Silouane L'Athonite" from Switzerland and "Nepsis" Association from France

The main purpose of these assemblies is, apart from the joy and enthusiasm of the young people's meeting and sharing of their own experiences and knowledge, to discover traditional values and to set up a bridge in a Christian-Orthodox spirit throughout the Balkan and European cultural area.

Through the activity that has been carried out ,the Foundation "Romanian Tradition" has managed to revitalize the national values without declining in any way the importance of European integration but, due to our collaboration with international associations , it represents a bridge between cultures and traditions in the European area.

Both with the help of its volunteers and in partnership with ASCOR and Nepis Association from France, the "Romanian Tradition" Foundation has distributed cassettes and CDs, books and albums, under the form of donations, during different cultural manifestations of young people that took place in our country and abroad.
Still, for the foundation to have more dynamic activity, it is imperative to permanently initiate new projects, firstly because of the direct contact with the beneficiaries and their demands.

Following the sessions attended by the young people, both pupils and students, as well as by fresh graduates who have already become teachers, there resulted as a strong and immediate necessity; discovering an educational alternative to counterbalance the harmful effects caused by the non-cultural imports that undermine traditional Romanian culture.
Thus, in2007, "The Romanian Tradition Foundation," through its Managing Board, decided to commence with a project whose implementation and launch will extend over a period of 10 years, i.e setting up an Orthodox school for primary and secondary education.
This project originated from the strong desire to ensure that childrenhave comprehensive education with the help and support of a young, well-motivated teaching staff, capable of discovering the particular talents and skills of each and every child.
This alternative teaching system is to be effected in accordance with the curricula adopted by the Ministry of Education and Research; at the same time the teaching activity will be carried out in a Christian spirit and atmosphere that emphasizes the value of small class size, close relationship between students and teachers and a sense of community whose main purpose is to obtain above average, high quality, academic achievement and performance.

The project will be accomplished in two stages :

I. The short-and medium-term project (the first 4 years approximately)

II. The final project - setting up our own educational complex

The short-and medium-term project

This stage is to be carried out throughout an entire educational cycle, at the end of which there will be an appraisal with the view to obtain accreditation. The teaching activity is currently functioning in a building that belongs to a state school, at present with only two grades ( 1st grade and 5th grade.). A supplementary class will be added annually for each educational cycle.

The final Project- The Educational Complex

At the end of the first period of institutional development, after obtaining accreditation for the primary and secondary cycles, the goal is to build a Complex..........
This is an ample project, at present in the preliminary designed form.
As it has been designed, the complex is meant to be a real oasis of peace and quietness, for protecting our children. The buildings include separate classrooms for pupils and teenage students ,a library, trades and art workshops, conference halls, dormitories and canteens for the semi-boarding system, not to mention the green space generously provided by the project - all these are meant to offer our children spiritual health they(and not only they) need so much.